With a hectic life in busy city, people face more and more problems and stress, fatigue and tension make the various body systems out of balance. To really help and relieve mental fatigue, sleep and rest are not alone, but also have some appropriate exercises.

India Yoga had been circulated more than a thousand years, and became more conventional in the Western and Asia over the past decade. Many athletes, artists, popular singers, models and people from all walks of life, regard yoga as one of the best way for having stalwart body, tighten figure, relaxing, prevention and treatment of disease.

Now, Hong Kong Yoga Studio sincerely establishes various types of yoga classes for you, so you can experience the magic of yoga and integrate your body, mind, and spirit.

  • All yoga courses provided in our studio are teaching in small classes to ensure that tutor can offer the best quality tuition to each student.
  • Without expensive membership and monthly fees, students also can pay for every lesson separately, and choose classes hours for the course they take.
  • Mentors are cordial, and dedicated to make every student to enjoy their practice each lesson.
Stress Release Yoga Course at Sunday
-- New Classes
20/07/2009 -- New Classes
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